How long will my license be suspended?
How long will my license be suspended? One of the most serious ramifications of a DUI is a loss of license. In Pennsylvania, even your first offense of DUI is serious. If your blood alcohol level is point one or higher, or there are narcotics in your system, you’re facing a one-year loss of license. Furthermore, if you get caught driving during that time frame, not only are you facing additional license suspension, but you also facing a mandatory minimum 60 to 90 days in jail. If you face a second offense or third offense of DUI, you’re facing a greater period of suspension. You could be facing 18 months loss of license.
Now, it’s true in Pennsylvania that for your first offense DUI conviction you may apply for what’s called an occupational limited license or work license. What is an occupational limited license? It’s a license that would allow you to drive to and from work. The ramifications of the DUI are severe. For anybody who needs to work, who needs to drive to work, who needs to drive to pick up their kids, who need to drive to the hospital, a DUI is life-altering.
If you’re facing a DUI, you need to speak with an attorney right away. You need to speak to an attorney such as the experienced DUI team at Ciccarelli Law Offices where we can talk to you about what you’re facing, what your options are, and how we can help.