Is possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia a crime in Pennsylvania?
With the recent political climate, it can sometimes be difficult to know what has been legalized and what is still illegal in the United States. But you have to consider the laws state by state. Is marijuana illegal in Pennsylvania? Unfortunately, yes. Depending on which county you are in, you are basically going to face some sort of penalty in every county in Pennsylvania. Whether it is fines, potential probation, and even jail time under certain statutes. In being caught with any associated paraphernalia as well is illegal in Pennsylvania. While it may seem less serious, both are ungraded misdemeanors. And both come with associated potential jail time, probation, and fines and a license suspension in Pennsylvania. So it is very serious to have a drug charge relating to marijuana or drug paraphernalia brought against you.
Here at Ciccarelli Law Offices, we can fight for you to avoid these types of penalties that come along with possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.
Are you facing a drug charge and don’t know where to turn? Give us a call at Ciccarelli Law Offices. We have a team of experienced attorneys who are here for you and can support you throughout the process.