The need to gain legal separation can be based on a breakdown in the relationship but it also can be because of physical or psychological pain or cruelty.
Getting legal help and advice is not something to be taken casually and our family law department, based in West Chester PA seeks to gain your confidence. Contact us by Email or call (610) 692-8700 for an initial consult
Recently a woman was cited by the police for abusing the 911 system requesting a divorce from her husband and police assistance to forcible remove her husband. The incident, which occurred in Girard PA, is an example of how divisive and mentally challenging a break up can be for a married couple and the need for sound legal representation.
No imminent harm was claimed by the woman and the police first explained to her that divorce is a civil matter and they can not forcibly remove her husband and then cited her for using 911 for a non emergency. Though people may be quick to judge this woman or find it humorous, she likely considered it an emergency. Our Chester County Divorce practice takes your case seriously.