What is the mandatory minimum sentence for drug possession?
What is the mandatory minimum sentence for drug possession? When in Pennsylvania there is no mandatory minimum sentence for a drug possession. Commonly a drug possession charge is actually a misdemeanor offense which can result in a probation sentence. In some ways, a DUI offense is much more serious than a drug possession offense. In Chester County, for example, it’s not uncommon for us to be able to get a possession of marijuana charge dropped to a summary of non-criminal offense with no period probation and no criminal record.
Now, put that in context to DUI which though it’s a misdemeanor offense it carries mandatory jail time and mandatory loss of license. Anytime somebody is in fear that they’ll be accused or investigated of any type of drug charge, they need to speak to an attorney right away. In conclusion, this isn’t the time to wait, it’s not the time to panic, it’s the time to act smart. Acting smart means talking to experienced and aggressive attorneys who know drug law and know how they can protect you. Attorneys like Ciccarelli Law Offices.
Have you been charged with drug possession? Contact us at Ciccarelli Law Offices for a free consultation. We have a team of experienced attorneys. We’re here to help.